7) and including the colossal Samalas eruption around 1257 ce (refs. Of particular note in such records is a proliferation of sulfur-rich eruptions during the HMP (circa twelfth and thirteenth centuries), beginning with a cluster of events around 1108–1110 ce (ref.
Although the geologic record constitutes the primary evidence of past volcanism, with chronologies based on radiocarbon and other radiometric methods, polar ice cores arguably furnish the most comprehensive and accessible picture of climatically notable volcanism through the compilation of sulfur deposition time series 2, 4. The resulting aerosol veils perturb the energy budget of the Earth, inducing seasonal and regional surface temperature and precipitation anomalies, whose severity in combination with societal vulnerabilities has been linked to historical cases of agronomic and pasturage deficits, civil and political unrest, pestilence and migration 6. Large explosive volcanic eruptions can inject enormous quantities of sulfur-bearing gases into the stratosphere, where they generate sulfate aerosols 1. Our findings offer support for further investigation of the decadal-scale to centennial-scale climate response to volcanic eruptions. Five further eruptions, including one responsible for high sulfur deposition over Greenland circa 1182 ce, affected only the troposphere and had muted climatic consequences. By combining this new record with aerosol model simulations and tree-ring-based climate proxies, we refine the estimated dates of five notable eruptions and associate each with stratospheric aerosol veils. Here we shed new light on explosive volcanism during the HMP, drawing on analysis of contemporary reports of total lunar eclipses, from which we derive a time series of stratospheric turbidity. This particularly hinders investigation of the role of large, temporally clustered eruptions during the High Medieval Period (HMP, 1100–1300 ce), which have been implicated in the transition from the warm Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age 5. However, despite progress in ice-core dating, uncertainties remain in these key factors 4. Understanding the far-field societal impacts of eruption-forced climatic changes requires firm event chronologies and reliable estimates of both the burden and altitude (that is, tropospheric versus stratospheric) of volcanic sulfate aerosol 2, 3.

Explosive volcanism is a key contributor to climate variability on interannual to centennial timescales 1.